Provide Individual Assistance

The mission of the Concord Carlisle Foundation – to engage our community to help neighbors in need – has long been one of support and sharing of resources. We are here to support you and our towns by sharing not only financial resources, but also knowledge and information. 

In addition to our Annual Fund that supports organizations through our Grant Allocations process, we also have funds that provide assistance to individuals and families specifically for emergency relief and camp support. 

The When In Need (WIN) Fund provides one-time, emergency funding for individuals or families in crisis. The Concord Carlisle Foundation works closely with the Community Outreach Coordinator, Concord Council on Aging, Carlisle Council on Aging, and other community agencies on case referral. Examples of WIN Fund support include:

  • Secured funding for temporary housing for a homeless resident
  • Paid a rent bill for a resident suffering a medical crisis and unable to pay
  • Provided a public transportation pass to enable a resident to get to work
  • Paid a heating bill for a struggling resident who lost her job
  • Funded emergency dental surgery for a young resident

The Campership Fund assists families in Concord and Carlisle who would otherwise not be able to afford the expense of summer camps. For families seeking assistance to attend summer camp, applications are available in the spring. Please contact Community Services Coordinator, Bonny Wilbur for an application.

We’ve recently moved to a new location: 37 Main Street, Suite 3, Concord, MA 01742. Our office is still being set up, and our phone line is not yet operational. In the meantime, please reach us at
We’ve recently moved to a new location: 37 Main Street, Suite 3, Concord, MA 01742