Campership Fund

The Campership Fund assists families in Concord and Carlisle who would otherwise not be able to afford the expense of summer camps. Priorities are made to working parents and families who contribute part of the cost. The Campership Committee works closely with Concord’s Community Services Coordinator and the Carlisle Council on Aging and Human Services to make knowledgeable, sensitive decisions about how to divide the limited funding between families. If you are seeking assistance for summer camp, click here for more details. 


This fund is generously sponsored by individual donors, The Thoreau Club, and Open Door Education.

“My kids LOVE camp! It’s a big part of their childhood. I’m a single parent who works hard, raises these two wonderful kids, and am trying to get by with higher prices in everything. The Concord Carlisle Foundation can help us afford two weeks of summer camp for the kids. Thank you!”

We’ve recently moved to a new location: 37 Main Street, Suite 3, Concord, MA 01742. Our office is still being set up, and our phone line is not yet operational. In the meantime, please reach us at
We’ve recently moved to a new location: 37 Main Street, Suite 3, Concord, MA 01742