Targeted Giving

Field of Interest Funds

Established in 2007, Field of Interest Funds are designated funds which aim to address specific needs in our community distinct from the Allocations Program. The following funds were established by the Concord Carlisle Foundation in partnership with donors in pursuit of specific goals:

WIN (When In Need) Fund

Emergency Funding For Individuals

Campership Fund

Making summer camp experience accessible to more children in our community

Cornerstone Initiative

Source of funding with a targeted focus on serving youth and seniors, specifically for pilot or innovative programs.

We’ve recently moved to a new location: 37 Main Street, Suite 3, Concord, MA 01742. Our office is still being set up, and our phone line is not yet operational. In the meantime, please reach us at
We’ve recently moved to a new location: 37 Main Street, Suite 3, Concord, MA 01742