Backpack Drive

Each summer Concord’s Community Services distributes backpacks filled with school supplies to children from families in town. Over 50 children from modest and low income families typically signed up to receive a brand new backpack and school supplies for the school year. Donations of new and unused backpacks and school supplies are greatly appreciated from community members!

To donate a backpack and/or school supplies, please contact Bonny Wilbur, Community Services Coordinator, at or 978-318-3034, or use the drop boxes around town.

We’ve recently moved to a new location: 37 Main Street, Suite 3, Concord, MA 01742. Our office is still being set up, and our phone line is not yet operational. In the meantime, please reach us at
We’ve recently moved to a new location: 37 Main Street, Suite 3, Concord, MA 01742